We only had the battle of Waterloo left to fight. Having kept a running total of victory points
as a basic "campaign" system, we went into this battle with a two point advantage to the French (Steve).
In preperation for the game Steve had actually visited and walked the battlefield, he brought home some
"Mines bigger than yours!!!"
With the board set up, plenty of coffee and french bravado the battle got underway.
The first few turns consisted of artillery fire from both armies. The allied fire was less effective and the French managed to advance their right flank to threaten Papelotte. Their center manouevred and massed for attack.
"Papelotte under attack"
Under pressure the allied light infantry abandoned Papelotte and fell back. The French advanced into the position and put the allied left flank under General Perponcher under threat.
"Perponcher under pressure"
With the left flank in difficulty, Wellington desperately need to divert Napoleons attention.
Scanning the battlefield, he spotted an opportunity on the right. A scribbled note is despatched to General Hill.
Although French troops had massed for an assault on Hougemont they had not yet advanced. They were thrown into dissarray as the allied troops abandoned their defensive positions and attacked!
Whats the French word for "Retreat"?
Back over on the allied right the French attacked continued.
Supported by cavalry and the Guard artillery the infantry charged Perponchers ridge and threw back the allies. The "Young Guard" marched bravely with colours waving and the band playing "Alouette".
They had taken the high ground but suffered terribly for it. A counterattack by the allies threw them back down the slope.
Over on the French left the trouble continued. The British Light Infantry and Grenadier Guards and been supported by Dutch line and the Scots Greys heavy cavalry.
A heroic charge by D'Erlons cuirassiers destroyed the cavalry while Reille led a desperate charge towards Hougemont and cut the Dutch to pieces.
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious
is to die daily "........Napoleon
But even this was not enough. The British destroyed Reille and his troops, then charged the French center. This was enough to break the French morale and start the long retreat!
"Up, Guards and at'em"......Wellington
"It has been a damned nice thing, the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life"...Wellington
The smoke of battle clears and victory banners are counted. 8-4 in favour of the allies.
The campaign total is French 69 Allies 71.
An incredibly close result after 15 battles. All of them hard fought and bitterly contested.
"A picture is worth a thousand words"......Napoleon
" By God! I don't think it would have been done
if I had not been there"
The "Command & Colors" game has a lot going for it. Simple, fast and fun, but on reflection it is definately more of a game than a "Simulation". For example, The British attack out of Hougemont was the winning move in our game. In reality the French had plenty more troops in this area which would have made this a suicidal idea. I think this makes the result a case of playing the "Game" rather than the "Battle". For historical battles (or at least historical results) more "house rules" need to be applied.
As it stands, I really enjoyed all these games and I am looking forward to the next one. I have the game "Napoleons Triumph" to try next. It seems to be a very different prospect in its complexity.
Check it out here, http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/18098/napoleons-triumph
Meanwhile, Steve and his military advisor "General Millie" have things to do
" A' quelle heure part le bus au St Helena ?"